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Visitors 11
45 photos

Elaine Bacal_Cyclist on the river rocksElaine Bacal_Couple venturing out into the St Lawrence RiverElaine Bacal_Playing out on the St Lawrence RiverElaine Bacal_Rapids02Elaine Bacal_Parked bike near rapidsElaine Bacal_Reading by the waterElaine Bacal_ChillingElaine Bacal_Hats02Elaine Bacal_Hat01Elaine Bacal_Water05Elaine Bacal_Rapids at the Verdun SanctuaryElaine Bacal_Verdun bird sanctuaryElaine Bacal_Rapids01Elaine Bacal_Surfer girlElaine Bacal_Surfing the rapidsElaine Bacal_White water raftingElaine Bacal_Lily pondElaine Bacal_Reflection01Elaine Bacal_Reflection02Elaine Bacal_Reflection03